Lord, I come before You to lift up (name) who is need of inner healing.

Touch him now where he is hurting most.

You know better than anyone else what is best for him. Let the grace of your Divine Love flow to the inner recesses of his being, to his past, present, and future.

Heal all the unresolved pain, anguish, bitterness, resentments, feelings of rejection, despair and frustration from the past.

Heal all painful feelings and memories in his subconscious, including all repercussions of traumatic experiences.

Give him a forgiving heart to help him forgive all the people who have hurt him in the past and seek forgiveness from those whom he has hurt.

Grant him the grace to accept all his sufferings as as hare in Your own sufferings and offer this for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of souls especially those of his family and loved ones.

Give him a repentant and contrite heart to acknowledge the many ways he has sinned and displeased You in the past and present, and bring him Your Divine Mercy, Fill his emptiness with Your love, peace and joy.

Grant him the grace of expectant faith to truly believe that he will be healed.

Bring him hope in Your forgiveness and loving mercy.

And after he has been healed, may he serve You for the rest of his life, and be a powerful witness of Your healing power and love. All these I pray in Jesus’ name through Mary.


Source: Healing Presence by Maribi-Mapa Garcia. 

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